Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thankful for Comic Relief!

Mom and Dad were able to join us for Thanksgiving this year. I made my first Turkey Day feast (see my other blog, for more info on that), and we had a wonderful time together with Brandon's family.

One funny thing that happened was before we ate, we all went around the table sharing what everyone was thankful for in our lives. At the beginning of this exercise, Ella announced that she had to use the potty (she's in training these days), so someone ushered her excitedly into the bathroom. We heard her potty play the reward music and she ran back into the living room announcing, "I did it!!!". We all clapped and congratulated her and then went back to our pre-meal sharing time.

Then as Mom was sharing what was in her heart...and the tears were coming to us as emotions were running high, Ella decided that our applause wasn't enough for her because she ran back to the bathroom and carried her potty (it hadn't even yet been emptied!) down the hall and to the dining table, exclaiming, "Guys, I pee-peed in the POTTY! See?????"

Thank God for a little comic relief, right?

1 comment:

  1. Comic relief is always helpful, and kids just love to provide it!
